Learn more about two D5teeth dental implant options and the differences of using D5teeth's exclusive technology and digital systems over traditional denture based temporary teeth.
Dr. Joel David, the Founder Of D5teeth, Explains The Path For Many Back To Ideal Dental Health And A Beautiful Smile.
You don't have to wear temporaries for months and pay $50,000-60,000!
Does any other implant center offer the same fast, affordable zirconia teeth as D5teeth?
D5teeth Restorative Option:
Hybrid Bridges
D5teeth Permanent Zirconia Teeth
In As Little As 7 Days!
The D5teeth
All Zirconia Difference

Typical offices offering
zirconia bridges:
D5teeth Zirconia Bridges:
In as little as 3 visits from date of surgery over 1 week many patients receive permanent zirconia restorations:
Day 1: First visit surgeryDay 2: Your 3D printed Smile Preview teeth are inserted for your approval. You go home with these teeth. If you want any changes, our designers will do this for you. We then perfect your bite or occlusion with the 3D printed restoration then digitally scan the perfected bite to original design. This means when you come in to have your dental imnplants inserted, it literally needs almost no adjusting. They are inserted in around 15 minutes per restoration and now you have real, permanent zirconia teeth!
Day 7: Final Permanent Zirconia Teeth are inserted
Incredible Fee - Our fee for fixed, custom ceramic teeth is around what many implant centers are charging for simple plugin, implant dentures. That's what D5 technology allows - affordable, permanent teeth. You don't have to settle for plugin dentures.
See our specials for complete upper and lower teeth. Our patients in many cases save $15-$25,000 over what many temporary teeth in one day implant centers are charging and many visits going to the dentists and months of their time.
Unconditional 3 Year D5teeth Warranty
No Exclusions
At D5teeth Dental Implant Centers nationwide, we offer an unconditional, three year warranty with no exclusions. None! We literally mean if you fall on your face and the bridge breaks, we will fix it for free. We have no health exclusions, smokers are fine, diabetes is fine, auto-immune patients are fine. We have no deductible or overpriced cleanings that you have to pay for twice a year to get any kind of warranty. Bottom line - If any implants fail or anything breaks within three years, you don't have to pay one penny!
Schedule Free Consultation**
Call to schedule a Free consultation in Jacksonville, Orlando, Atlanta, Chicago, Philadelphia, Indianapolis or Los Angeles.

State of the Art Digital Technology
D5teeth is pleased to be one of the few facilities in the world to be able to offer our patients a custom milled hybrid bridge, for many in as little as just 7 days if you choose our ultimate restoration, the All Zirconia Pro.
(In 7 days we are referring to the date of surgery to insertion of permanent zirconia teeth.)

Custom Designed
We know what a beautiful smile can mean in business and social occasions for a patient. It can increase your confidence and make you look younger. With our dental implants, we deliver smiles that are life like, custom designed just for you and look totally natural.

Permanent Zirconia Teeth
in 1 Week!
While traditional methods can take many months to complete, with D5teeth for many you come in for surgery the next day for the try-in of your teeth and 6 days later for the insertion of your permanent zirconia restoration.
(In 7 days we are referring to the date of surgery to insertion of permanent zirconia teeth.)
A beautiful, permanent smile in as little as just 7 days!
When it comes to new permanent teeth, there's really only one place to call... D5teeth!
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